

Words to inspire.

This is your turning point. It's your time to open up to life's possibilities, uncover your purpose and design your path to a "third act" full of joy and meaning.

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Coronavirus & What You Can Do: 3 Ways To Stay Grounded & Connected


As concerns over Coronavirus escalate daily, we are receiving constant  information -- truths and rumors, positive and negative -- from broadcast and social media, emails and texts from friends and any organization that has our address. 

Stress is understandably at an all time high due to fear and uncertainty.

I believe that we can empower ourselves, support others and reduce stress by making specific plans for what we can "DO". 

Here's what I plan to "DO": 

I will time each day to reach out to friends and family with love and support and live a more peaceful daily routine which includes meditation, ample sleep, healthy food, less screen and media consumption time and long walks outside and art projects with my dear daughter now home from college…

I will also be sending my Third Act Quest audience emails with inspiration and ideas about dealing with this crisis, and…

starting this Friday, I will be hosting Virtual Gatherings on Zoom (see details below) to bring women together for much-needed connection as social distancing has become our new norm for the foreseeable future.

As you sort out your personal responses and plans in the coming weeks, I hope that these suggestions are helpful.  Please feel free to reach out to me with any thoughts or questions at

You can invite any friends who'd like to join my Virtual Group Gatherings or receive these email inspirations.  (They can sign up via this link)

Sending love and wishing you good health!


1. Make Plans to take Action...

As we all face the effects of COVID-19, our lives have turned topsy turvy.

What was at the top of your priority list just a few short days ago, has been overshadowed.

Those of you that have attended one of my workshops or retreats know that we focus on developing a clear action plan for how you live each part of your life (your self-care, relationships, career, etc.)  feel in control and make real progress toward your personal goals. 

Consider taking some time today to develop a these helpful plans for taking action:

  • Map-out a News & Social Media consumption and sharing plan - decide when, how often and how long you need each day to stay informed but not get overwhelmed.  Avoid over-checking Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and Twitter.  As importantly, carefully consider what you share.  There are many sources of misinformation right now. 

  • Create and Practice a Self-Care plan:  if you don't already follow a mindful, daily approach to self-care, it's especially important that you consider scheduling routines that will help you stay calm and boost your immune system:  sleep, healthy nutrition, meditation, affirmations, gratitude journaling, exercise, etc.

  • Stay Connected to People: With less face-to face time, use the phone, Facetime or Zoom Conference to stay in close touch with your friends and family.  Sharing your love and hearing each other’s voices is so very important. 

  • Reach out to Support Others:  Most of us know someone who lives alone.  Loneliness "is the ultimate poverty", and when you add fear, it can be completely disabling.  Human connection supports physical and emotional health as well.

2. Join me for a Free Virtual Gathering via Zoom VideoConference

I invite you to join me twice a week for community connection, sharing and support on a Group Zoom Video call - a Virtual Gathering

You don't need to RSVP, you can simply connect a few minutes before the Virtual Gathering start time using this link:  Virtual Gathering-Third Act Quest You can also invite any friends you think would enjoy this.  I will have a room available for up to 100 people.  (details below)

Over the upcoming weeks, I will be hosting these Virtual Gatherings using Zoom Videoconference as a way to provide us all with the connection and community that is so important and meaningful for our well-being.  

If you've never used Zoom before, it's a really nice way to come together.  You can see all of the others that have signed in to the call.  My hope is that this becomes a regular, helpful touchstone for us all.

What we will do during the Virtual Gatherings on Zoom:

  • I will start with a brief introduction and share inspiration or recommendations.

  • Next, we will take 30 minutes or so "virtually co-working", planning things that we can "DO" to help ourselves and others.  Some examples:

  1. "I will call a person each morning that lives alone."

  2. "Every day, I will write -- a poem, a letter, or in my journal  --as a way to stay in touch with my emotions."

  3. "I am starting an email newsletter with nutrition tips to send to friends to help them stay healthy."

  4. "I am going to start meditating each morning"

  5. "I am going to put together online photo albums of some of the special times of this past year"

  • While we are "virtually co-working", the microphones will be muted, but we will have a Group Chat open so that you can type in your thoughts or share your plans.

  • Being able to look up and see other working alongside you on the Zoom Videoconference screen is really comforting. Community is so powerful.

  • Closing: For those who wish to share a thought with the group, I can unmute your microphone so that we can all hear you.  Then, the call will end with an inspiring poem.

When & How to Participate:

Below is the schedule for the next two weeks.  As we move forward, I may shift times or add more gatherings.   For now, I have chosen 2:00 - 3:00 pm (EST), when most of us experience our midday "slump".  The first Virtual Gathering is scheduled for this coming Friday, March 20th.  Then, starting next week, we will gather on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons:

Thursday, March 26th:  3-4:00 pm (EST)

Tuesday, March 31st:  8-9:00 am (EST)

Thursday, April 2nd:  3 - 4:00 pm (EST)

How to use Zoom: 

Simply click on this LINK a few minutes before the scheduled time.  
There is no need to RSVP and no password.  This is a free gathering. 

You have the option to enable your video.  Your microphone will be muted until it is time for group sharing.  These controls are in the lower left corner of the Zoom room screen. 

I look forward to seeing you!   Please share with your friends.

3. Practice Extreme Social Distancing

Based on the most recent data and recommendations from epidemiologists, public health officials and doctors, one of the most universally agreed-upon things we can all do to slow the spread of the coronavirus is to practice extreme social distancing.  

This is important to prevent our medical institutions from being overwhelmed, and so that those who are severely sick can get needed medical treatment.  You may have already seen the "flatten the curve" graph which shows the remarkable positive impact of serious, extreme social distancing.  If not, take a look:
(see "How One Simple Chart Explains How Social Distancing Saves Lives" )

Beyond deciding not to go out where many people gather, such as the mall , the gym or a theatre,  all public health officials emphasize that it critically important to eliminate all non-essential in person contact.  Certainly this is challenging for those with children home from school and for managers and others who cannot do their jobs virtually.  For those of us with flexibility, restricting non-essential social contact will reduce the spread of the virus and can make a huge difference.  The time to do this is now.

In fact, there is more and more data that indicates that people with the virus without any symptoms at all can infect many others.  COVID-19 is highly contagious.  With thexponential rate of spread, preventing just one infection today will prevent 2600 infections over the next three months. (See the links below to read more.)

If you are worried about “overreacting” or “going too far,” or still think the need to distance may not apply to you (because you are young, asymptomatic, etc.)  I ask you to read these powerful resources to learn more:

Important Links:

This is Not a Snow Day

How does the Coronavirus End?

Social Distance Game (see how many lives your level of social distancing can save)

The Math Behind Why We Need Social Distancing

One Simple Chart Explains How Social Distancing Saves Lives

InspirationDiana Place