

Words to inspire.

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Overcoming COVID Anxiety: 10 Way To Stay Calm, Strong, Happy & Healthy


With the impact of the Coronavirus outbreak being felt in almost every area of the globe and our lives, it’s completely understandable that anxiety and fear are running high.

Below are 10 simple things you can do to boost your immune system and your peace of mind in the face of stress from this unexpected challenge.

I hope these help you to have courage and feel empowered to stay strong and healthy - remembering that your mind can be a powerful tool to maintain your health and well-being.

1. Stay Calm: Meditation is proven to reduce stress and boost our immunity. If you don’t practice meditation already, now is a good time to start. Here are three great meditation links/apps that even the most fidgety skeptics can relax to: Calm, Headspace, and 10% Happier

2. Stay Positive: Be conscious of your thoughts and focus more on the positive things in your life. Though you need to be aware of what’s happening to be prudent, don’t glue yourself to the news or social media, soaking in negativity from the media reports .

3. Be Grateful: Gratitude is scientifically proven to reduce stress and increase happiness by as much as 25%. Be conscious and grateful for the simple things in your life— the birds and flowers, a blue sky, a call from a friend, a dog curling up in your lap, a delicious meal… Get yourself a gratitude journal” and take a few moments before bed or first thing each day to write down what you are grateful for. I promise you, this is an easy, yet powerful way to kick off your day or ease you into a good night’s sleep with joyful thoughts.

4. Eat Healthy: Eat your veggies. Times of stress tend can lead us to make not-so-healthy choices. Certainly don’t deprive yourself of comfort from a bit of chocolate or a glass of wine, but focus on eating a plant-based diet for a healthy immune function. 

5. Get more Sleep: It’s a critical foundation for your health, but so many of us don’t get the sleep we need each night to repair and energize our cells.. At least for now, resist the temptation to binge-watch Netflix. Instead, take a warm bath and get into bed early each night.

6. Breath deeply. Slow deep breaths can calm the mind, reduce stress and enhance your immune system. Try the Wim Hof breathing method. With this practice, you release more energy, influence your nervous system and change a number of your physiological responses which ultimately lead to more resilience towards stress, helping you to feel more in control.

7. Stay Active: So, maybe going to the gym is not at the top of your list these days because they can be a hotbed for germs, but there are so many healthy activities you can do outdoors. Being in nature is a double-bonus. Walking, breathing the fresh air and relishing the beauty and miracles of nature are so helpful to your mind, body and spirit.

8. Stay Connected: Be in close touch with your friends and family and less connected to Social Media.  Use the phone to hear each other’s voices and send love. Seek-out and stay in touch with other positive people.  Reach out to those you know who live alone.  Loneliness "is the ultimate poverty" and when you add fear, it can be completely disabling.  Human connection is so important to our physical and emotional health. 

9. Limit Screen time: Resist the urge to live on Facebook or Twitter and watch news updates every ten minutes… they are huge sources of negativity and fear. Of course, you can't bury your head in the sand, but find a healthy balance.

finally, and perhaps most importantly,

10. Be Kind: Kindness is contagious and random acts of kindness can heal ourselves and others, especially in times of confusion, fear or loss. Take a moment to look beyond your own needs and show loving kindness to someone else. Be inspired by this beautiful Ted Talk - Let Altruism Be Your Guide by the "happiest man in the world," Buddhist monk, Matthieu Ricard.

InspirationDiana Place